James and Edie left to visit James' parents in Tulsa yesterday. June and I stayed behind, heading off to the pool during the day where she kept drinking the water, and to a party in the evening where she drank more baby pool water that was a cocktail the kids made of bits of food, grass, soap and, as the hosts' son proudly announced, "pee." So it was no big surprise when last night at 3 am she got hit with a stomach bug. We were up until 7 as I tended to her, did laundry, and held the bowl for my brave girl. We went back to bed for a few hours, dealt with more throwing up, and then by noon she was much more cheerful. In the photos above she's zoning out on Dora or Diego or Wonder Pets--I lost count after a while. By the evening she was treating me to a dance recital in only her diaper and ballet slippers. I feel like supermom. She's asleep now but fussing, and I'm crossing my fingers that we don't get hit by a second wave.
There's been plenty I want to write lately (I feel like I say that every other post) but not much time, as usual. Between illnesses, summer barbecues, and trying to finish my
Blurb book (which I vow to get done by the deadline this year) there hasn't been much space for me to organize my thoughts. Hopefully after next week things will settle down a bit and I'll be able to write some semi-coherent commentary.
Speaking of Blurb, James finished his book, called
Fabricate, check out a preview
here. I think it's excellent, and I'm not just saying that as his wife.