Liz Kuball / 20 x 200

My friend and talented artist Liz Kuball has two prints that just went up for sale on 20 x 200 here. I've got to have the orange tree--I'm heading off to order it now. Why don't you get one too?
Speaking of Jen Bekman, the opening of the Hey, Hot Shot! 2009 First Edition Group Exhibition will be Wednesday, September 9th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at 6 Spring Street, NY, NY. Featuring work by Michelle Arcila, Daniel Cheek, Mike Sinclair, Parsley Steinweiss and Kurt Tong. Wish I could go but I have a kindergarten ice cream social to attend, it's a glamorous life I lead, I know. I will however be heading the next night to the Simon Roberts opening at Klompching, and possibly also Amy Stein at ClampArt that same night, more details TK.