Self-promo time

Now it's time to potentially bore all of you with some self promotion. It's mainly so my family can see what I've been up to all in one spot...
Here we go:
I'm included in The Photographic Center Northwest's exhibition The Curve: Center's Award Recipients which opens on October 8th (the reception is from 5-8 pm) and runs until November 5th in Seattle. Details here.
I was very pleased to learn that my image Rejected popsicle was chosen for a ShowCase Award by juror Andy Adams in The Center for Fine Art Photography's 2009 International show. It opened yesterday and runs until October 31st in Fort Collins, CO; details and images can be seen here.
I have to say, I was pretty darn excited to see my work up on director Spike Jonze's blog We Love You So last month. From the description of the site: "This place has been established to help shed some light on many of the small influences that have converged to make this massive project [Where the Wild Things Are] a reality." The timing of the post was quite uncanny because just the night before I had read a New York Times magazine article about the movie and Jonze himself. It's kind of strange that in some small way I might have had an impact on the creation of a movie based on a book that I read as a child and now read to my children. The world works in mysterious ways...
A while back I was in the exhibition HERE and THERE curated by Justin Visnesky at Snowflake/City Stock gallery. The show was just named Best Gallery Exhibition by the Riverfront Times in their 2009 Best of St. Louis feature. It was also chosen by Sina Najafi, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Cabinet magazine, for a critique through the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis' Emerson Visiting Critics and Curators series. Congrats Justin for a job well done!
I took part in Project 5's first Portfolio Review and it was fantastic. I'll write a longer post with details soon; in the meantime I highly recommend applying for the next one which will take place on December 13th.
Four more things are in the works--must remain mum for now but will fill you in in the coming weeks.
Thanks for your indulgence.