Carmen Winant

Ok, enough about me.
There are a number of people whose work I've been admiring lately and have been meaning to post about, so I'll start with Carmen Winant. I love it when someone gets in touch and I've already bookmarked their work, as happened in Carmen's case. I'd seen one of her images on Conscientious, which led me to her website, and after emailing back and forth for a bit we discovered that we went to the same high school. I'm eight years older than she is, so we never knew each other, but it's a small world nonetheless. I find her ability to relate to her subjects startling: there's a real connection between her and the people she photographs--an intimacy emanates from her best images, particularly the ones she's been posting on her blog, dailyafterthought. She's putting up a photo a day for a year on said blog; some are stronger than others, but the ones that work really work, and I always look forward to seeing what will come next.