Edie was hit with the stomach bug last night--I slept in her bed and tended to my poor girl, but thankfully by midnight she fell asleep for good and is, all things considered, pretty peppy today. She was completely out when I shot some photographs of her--she just looked so sad and sweet next to her puke bowl. June is off with the sitter and so far Edie's TV tally is: Go, Diego, Go x 2; Franklin; Cyberchase; the Barbie Nutcracker and Barbie Magic of the Rainbow movies; and now she's on to The Little Mermaid. It's going to be one of those relax-all-the-rules let the kid zone and eat Pedialyte
popsicles until bedtime kind of days. For my part I'm still in my pajamas but actually getting quite a bit of work done, go figure.
*By the way, before I had kids I never imagined we'd own a Barbie movie, let alone more than one; I also thought TV was for lazy parents who weren't spending enough quality time teaching their children the alphabet and cooking only organic vegetables. How quickly we relax our standards and realize how idealistic we were when that real-live baby actually arrives. Just thought you should know.
It's amazing what a determined mom can be accomplish without getting dressed until 2 in the afternoon!!
Hope you feel better!