Party at Joe Baio and Anne Griffin's

I must admit I was quite excited when I received an invitation to a yearly party hosted by collectors Joe Baio and Anne Griffin. Held around the AIPAD fair, they open their Manhattan townhouse to guests in order to showcase the latest works in their amazing collection. It really was an honor to have three of my pieces hanging on the wall. Strange as this may sound, seeing one of my images in the bathroom along with photographs by Doug Dubois, Thekla Ehling, and Martine Fougeron (who I had the pleasure of meeting) was just about the highlight of my career to date.
I was a bit in awe of the sheer number of gallery directors, artists, and curators present--all in all it was a big night for me and Joe and Anne couldn't have been more gracious or enthusiastic. I wish James could have joined me but our babysitter got sick at the last minute and he was stuck at home with the girls--thanks for holding down the fort, honey.
Amazing Photography Art Collection to be part of.
Very proud of you and thanks for trusting my vision!