Quotidian sublime: Jennifer Loeber

From here on in I'm not going to do Quotidian Sublime Thursdays, I'll just post whenever and as little/often as I feel like within the category. The pressure of once a week on the same day is too much--my blog is an enjoyable pursuit, and anything that I come to associate as a chore in relation to it I know I need to change. Thus it's Friday, and I give you Jennifer Loeber. I'm not sure if the images above fit into the quotidian category exactly--the top feels quite allegorical and symbolic, and isn't necessarily an everyday happening, so if you can think of a better title to put these photographs under feel free to pass it along. There's more nice work on her website here, and she also maintains a blog here.
Now I'm off to get bedtime for the girls rolling and then go collapse on the couch; I still feel on the cusp of a potential illness that I so far am managing to keep at bay, thanks perhaps to an early-ish bedtime last night.