The fabulous
Melanie Flood of the aptly named
Melanie Flood Projects is having a one night sale extravaganza this coming Wednesday the 18
th from 7-10pm where I'll be selling my wares along with a great group of artists. There will be limited edition drawings, prints, magazines, photographs and more available, all priced at $100 or less. I personally will be selling 4 different 8x11" photographs and
my magazine. The event is cash only, and you must RSVP to be added to the guest list. Email mfloodprojects@gmail.com to see if there's still space to attend--the guest list is strictly enforced due to limited space. Here's who else will be offering their goods:
Anna & Tess KnoebelBreanne Trammell &
Peter Segerstrom Carey Kirkella Clayton CotterellElizabeth Fleming Erin Jane Nelson Gerald Edwards IIIGrace KimGreg WasserstromHumble Arts FoundationJane Gang
Jason Polan Jimmy LimitJuliana Beasley Lay Flat Noah Kalina/Kalina MagazinePeter RiesettRachel SussmanStephen Wong-WONG WONGUmelec Magazine