Recommended: Timothy Archibald post

There's a fantastic post by Timothy Archibald called The Mom Photographer? The Dad Photographer? along with some very thought-provoking follow-up comments over on his blog (many thanks to him and those who commented for the mention of my work). I chimed in as well with a lengthy reply--no hubris here, the thought-provoking comments I speak of were mainly penned by a woman named Christine with a private blogger profile; I'd love to know who she is. She writes a great line about parents photographing their children: "either way, the photographs are evidence and marks left by the life that they helped bring into existence." Check it out and chime in if there are any parents photographing their children who have yet to be mentioned.
By the way, if you haven't seen it, the documentary on Tierney Gearon, called The Mother Project, is really incredible. You can get it on Netflix and I highly recommend it. One of these days I'll write some thoughts on it.
i was so [obviously] overjoyed that T.A. wrote such a brilliant entry. and it's such a relevant topic for you both...and for so many others! i'm such an admirer of your and timothy's photography and writing. in fact, i discovered t.a.'s blog [and 'the exposure project' for that matter] after first subscribing to 'Tethered'. it's a relief to consistently read these life-informed, genuine, and articulate thoughts on themes that are so elusive...which is, i suppose, another reason we must photograph.
i failed to list this via mr. Archibald's 'The Mom Photographer? The Dad Photographer' entry for fear of using up too much real estate on the world wide web, but i will offer it now with no remorse...
a beautiful publication of a parent/child photography relationship was made by the japanese photographer, Masao Yamamoto [i don't have words for the beauty that he makes]. it is a 'one picture book' printed by nazraeli press and entitled, 'The Path of Green Leaves'.
Brian Arnold, the photographer who i referenced for his "In a Place Where Pigs Fly" collection pointed me to Yamamoto's work, and it is always touching.
i'm delighted that you were grateful for an introduction to Brian's photographs. he is such a [modest], unique, thoughtful and sensitive artist. it always stuns me that people aren't lining up to hemorrhage grant money at his feet. i was once his studio assistant and feel that anything i know of photography is certainly owed to him.
after reading your latest and divine commentary via T.A.'s blog, "As long as I stay true to what I see then that's what matters, but as I wrote about in my post on powerHouse that TA takes the quote from above, sometimes those doubts come in and you have to shut out the insecure voices. It helps to know that I'm not the only one struggling with this."
it reminded me of a very important essay for all people to know of.
when i need encouragement, or to be encouraging [i often share this with my students and artist colleagues in times of doubt] i find myself offering the same advice, though not in my own words,
to every passionate and creative person artist, writer, thinker, poet once i meet may also be my first blog entry. ha.
though my acquaintance with you is a virtual one Elizabeth, i gladly offer this passage to you and to anyone who'd like to read it. i hope it offers you the same guidance that your pictures and writing have for me these past many months.
much much photographic love,
ps- i sorry... i am incapable of being concise!
from martha graham to agnes demille
on the topic of being or becoming an artist or art maker.
there is a vitality,
a life force,
a quickening
that is translated through you
into action,
and because there is
only one of you in all time,
this expression is unique...
and if you block it,
it will never exist
through any other medium
and be lost
this world will not have it.
it is not your business to determine how good it is;
nor how valuable it is,
nor how it compares with other expressions.
it is your business to keep it yours--
clearly and directly,
to keep the channel open and aware--
directly to the urges that motivate you.
keep the channel open...
no artist is pleased...
there is no satisfaction
at any time.
there is only a queer divine dissatisfaction;
a blessed unrest
that keeps us marching
and makes us more alive
than the others.
With deep appreciation,