Shameless self-promotion (with some thoughts)

I'm honored and very happy to announce that my photograph Planets won third place in Center's Singular Image competition in the Publisher's Choice category. This means I'll be part of an exhibition at the Photographic Center Northwest in Seattle in the fall, and I also received the good news from Center that I was selected to be part of Review Santa Fe. The list of photographers hasn't been put up on the site yet but I'm anxious to see who else will be there and am really looking forward to meeting some people in person, along with having an opportunity to show my prints.
As you know I wrote about my experience at powerHouse and how it was quite emotional; I have to say being accepted into a juried review is a much-appreciated confirmation of why I do what I do, and I'm even more grateful that I have the powerHouse experience under my belt so that I'll be that much more prepared for Santa Fe. Of course now I have to figure out travel arrangements, etc. and financially we have some finagling to do, but this is something that I really need to do for myself and my career so we'll find a way. I've also never gotten on a plane without my girls, which is more than a bit anxiety-producing to think about, but that's an entire post unto itself...I know I'll be fine, and for now I'm trying to just let myself bask a bit in the excitement of it all.
I was interested to see that quite a few of the photographers are doing some sort of work regarding children (a few of the people chosen didn't win with images about childhood, but if you go to their sites they have galleries within the theme).
Here are the other Center categories and winners:
The Singular Image:
Curator’s Choice:
First Prize: Betsy Schneider
Second Prize: Anna Boyiazis
Third prize: Tom Leininger
Honorable mentions: Susan Lakin, Brad Moore, and Ryan Zoghlin
Editor's Choice:
First Prize: Wendy Paton
Second Prize: Grace Weston
Third Prize: Damion Berger
Honorable mentions: Sara Belleau, Rania Matar, and Brian Widdis
Publisher's Choice:
First Prize: Lydia Panas
Second Prize: Heather McClintock
Third Prize: Elizabeth Fleming
Honorable mentions: Aaron Huey, Andrea Land, and Kristin Schmid Schurter
Project Competition:
First prize:
Cori Chandler-Pepelnjak
Juror's choice:
Jarrett Murphy, Lucia Ganieva, and Michael Christopher Brown
Director's choice:
Mark Menjivar
Honorable mentions:
Damion Berger, Brian Ulrich, and Peter van Agtmael
Congratulations to all!
Congrats on your award. Thanks for doing all of the links.
Getting into Review Santa Fe is great. Congrats.
Tom Leininger
Thanks, and congrats to you on your award too! I was happy to see you linked over here as well. I had a chance to look more at your site and was very much taken with your work. I'm going to post one of your photos soon so keep an eye out for it.
You will love it and the reviewers will love your work!!!