Happy birthday, Tethered

Happy birthday to my blog--it's hard to believe an entire year has passed since its inception. Over the last 365 days I've written about rejection, successes, motherhood, family, the work of others, doubt, love of creativity, dead hermit crabs, happy accidents, and a slew of other topics. I still feel like things are evolving--there have been lulls, and periods of productivity, and maybe someday this blog will help me discover some sort of pattern to my creative highs and lows. For now I'm continually grateful to those of you who have read my words, looked at my images, commented, and lent your support. In that first post back on April 15th 2008 I asked you to "be gentle on me," and you more than have, so a big thank you for visiting, I hope you'll stick with me in the year ahead.


Stella said…
How time flies indeed!-- Happy Birthday, Tethered!
Happy Birthday! This is my first visit! I just came from your website. I love your work. I totally resonate with the balancing act of being a mom of 2, wife, and also trying to create! I have been shooting a lot of images lately trying to portray tiny moments. I just saw your work for the first time and you really capture that concept beautifully!
Best wishes! Come visit my blog sometime!

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