Humble Arts Foundation needs your help

I received this email from Humble today; they're looking for donations as well as offering some discounts on works for sale. (If I had any money I'd buy the two photographs above.) Here are the details:
The current state of the economy has made it almost impossible for Humble to continue to support emerging art photographers. Like many businesses and arts organizations, our 2009/10 exhibition schedule, twice-annual artist grant, online shows and future projects are all in jeopardy of being severely modified or cut completely. You can help us prevent this.
Humble Arts Foundation launched its first project, group show, on March 3, 2006. Since then, through our various projects, we have shown more than 1,000 new works, significantly higher than any other emerging fine art institution. Our projects have been referenced by artworld professionals, and have helped many photographers gain opportunities outside of Humble.
We need you to help us continue this work.
Over 7,000 people will receive this email. If only half donated just $15 (the cost of dinner or a couple of beers), then Humble would have enough funds to continue supporting and exhibiting the work of emerging art photographers through 2012.
Donors will have their name listed on Humble’s new site, launching Fall 2009.
If you would like something in exchange for your patronage, we are putting our Limited Edition Prints and The Collector’s Guide to Emerging Art Photography on sale. Please see details below.
30% off Limited Edition Prints
To help raise additional funds, we are having a 30% Spring Limited Edition Print sale.
Use this code: HAF30
This sale does not apply to the Richard Renaldi limited edition print.
The Collector’s Guide to Emerging Art Photography
The Collector’s Guide is on sale at 50% off. Buy it today for $24.97.
With your help, Humble can survive the recession and continue working to advance the careers of emerging art photographers.
Thank you for reading, and please do not hesitate to contact us with questions.
All the best,
amani olu and Jon Feinstein
Humble Arts Foundation