
The words "tweet" "tweeted" "twittered" and so on seem to function as wonderful euphemisms, as it were--insert any variation into a sentence as a way for hilarity to ensue. ("Excuse me, I tweeted" and "I have the tweets" were part of a recent thread on my Facebook profile; thanks to James and Heather for the laughs.) But despite the ridiculousness of Twitter's various permutations, I too have jumped on the bandwagon. I don't know what came over me, it was a weak moment. But I must say it has been an enjoyable means of pointing to links I like without having to write an entire post for them, and to generally attempt to be short and pithy. Follow me at Look at the list of who I'm following (54 and counting) for some more good tweets. That's not what it sounded like...


Heather said…
Thanks for the shout out! Justin thinks Twitter is redonkulous.

Also, did you see you can add it to your blog/site? I'm just saying.
It is redonkulous, but who can help themselves, really?

Trying to figure out how to add it to the blog, it's not immediately apparent...

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