Sleep-deprived/Bond Street opening

I'm running on empty today. Saturday James and I went into the city for date night, where he surprised me with a very very early birthday present (I don't turn 34 until February) by taking me to see "Equus." I'd mentioned I wanted to go and he was afraid the run would be over in a few months, so it was a wonderfully unexpected gift. A lovely evening all around, though we agreed that the production lacked a certain amount of passion, especially considering the subject matter. Now I can say I've seen Harry Potter naked.
Long story short, we got home at 1 am, which for these homebodies is insanely late, and then for the two nights after that June has been on a sleep strike, howling for so long that we gave in and went to her, which meant taking turns sharing a bed with a squirmy, whispering two-year old who, when asked, "why won't you sleep?" replied matter-of-factly: "'cause." I'd laugh if I weren't so tired.
All of this is my way of saying have fun at the Bond Street opening tomorrow, but this zombie will not be in attendance. I have a lot of shut-eye catch-up to do. Congratulations to Justin and Timothy, all-around great guys, and to the rest of the artists as well. (Note: the images above aren't in the show itself, they're just some of my favorite shots by the artists included.) Those who are capable of partying, here's the info:
CURATED BY amani olu
Exhibiting photographers: Timothy Briner, Jon Feinstein, Matthew Gamber, Justin James Reed, Angie Smith, Brian Ulrich and Michael Vahrenwald
Opening reception: Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Press preview: 4 – 6 pm | Public reception: 6 – 9 pm
On view: Wednesday, October 15 – Saturday, November 15, 2008
297 Bond Street | Brooklyn, NY 11231 (Carroll Gardens)
718.858.2297 | Directions: F/G to Carroll St. or R to Union St.
Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday | 11 am – 6 pm