Ok, I lied. I'm still up. The computer is very addictive for me, and I've been sitting here for the last hour plus going through old files and cleaning up folders. Believe it or not my MFA thesis at
SVA was a video (called Counting Losses), and for the first time in a long time I looked at some stills I have in my archives. One of these days I'll get around to putting the actual video on DVD, but for now I only have it on VHS and Beta and we got rid of our VCR a few years back so I haven't watched it in a while. It was a response to my grandmother's death and the process of going through to her apartment and clearing out her possessions. As always mortality, the passage of time, and nostalgia were strong themes. These two frames struck me for their similarity to "
Handprints." This particular hand belongs to my sister Annie; I made the video in 2001, two-and-a-half years before Edie was born. Hard to believe...
If nothing else, what I see throughout my work is that I have a particular way of composing images and am drawn to the same subjects again and again, within different mediums, and often without quite realizing it. The way I frame shots is highly intuitive, so in some ways it's a little uncanny to see how consistent I am. But also kind of nice, I must admit.