Short and sweet

I had a short but very sweet trip to Boston on Thursday/Friday. I took the Bolt bus up to arrive just in time for the Photographic Resource Center opening, where I had the pleasure of meeting PRC curator Leslie Brown and had the chance to chat with fellow show-mates Lydia Panas, Phil Jung, Anastasia Cazabon, and Kevin Van Aelst. It was also wonderful to meet Ben Alper of The Exposure Project after many emails back and forth about my collaborations with the group, as well as Suzanne Revy and Ellen Rennard, who both make great work. My godmother Kathy who lives in the area was there to support me, along with good friends William and Susannah who put me up for the night, and their four year-old daughter Sophia who was quite a hit at the party.
I was really impressed with the show--the images were wonderfully arranged to play off of each other, and each individual artist's photographs were very well presented. I was particularly taken with Lydia's large, gorgeous C-prints. Overall a great show and I was honored to be included.
It was great staying with William and Susannah--they used to live near us in Maplewood and moved up to Cambridge two years ago. We miss them. They live on a beautiful street and I loved staying up late talking, enjoying good meals, and even taking in a movie. Not bad for 24 hours. I'm happy I took the trip and hope to have another excuse to do it again soon. Next stop Santa Fe, which is only ten (ten?!) days away. I'm madly prepping my portfolio and going through the list of reviewers. I still haven't completely wrapped my head around the prospect of my travels and being away from the girls for five days, but given how enjoyable Boston was I'm sure I'll get into the swing on my arrival and will be back home with my family before I know it.